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Working on my blog again :-)

I have worked on my blog to integrate it into my new website.
Puhh, quite a lot of work. Now my website and the blog has an equal style.

New version of AvrIsp available

There is a new version of AvrIsp available (V1.0.4.35) with the capability to flash via different parallel port than LPT1 only. The previous versions did only support LPT1 because i was to lazy gathering the port addresses in a system independent way.

With the new version this lack off support is addressed and fixed.

Please find the new version on the right under “Downloads”.


My other projects kept me busy...

Hi readers,

I did not upload a new version since quite a while but the time of waiting has ended now…..
I was quite busy with a project, building a CNC-Mill (Router) from the scratch. And from the scratch means from the scratch! So… now I’ve found some time to fix some minor problems with AF which popped up while developing the firmware of the above mentioned CNC-Mill.
For the ones interested in more details, this is the link to the project: (German Forum) CNC mit Gleichstrommotoren

Because I find the new way of working far more convenient, especially the search panel in place of the search dialog, I want this to be available to you guys/girls out there.

You can find the link to AsuroFlash V1.8.13.110 on the right as usual.

Happy testing
BTW. Comments on AF are welcome.



Smale change for man, big change for mankind.

Hi readers,

i had to change the comment feature due to some f****** spammers who had used this site for posting their “”willy enlargment products” :-/
I guess you know what i mean…
So from now on you can still post a comment on the articles, but it will appear only if I have confirmed at least one of your comments.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but i have to do this thanks to the spammers.



New blog is life and kicking…

My new AsuroFlash blog is up and running. It allows you all to add comments, questions and queries on the cron entries i publish.

Here you can see a screenprint of the good old blog as it loocked before

AvrIsp — a preview GUI release of comming feature in AF


AvrIsp wit extended error log in case of CpuSignatures.xml can not get read.

EDIT 09/04/05: There was still a problem with a relative path to CpuSignatures.xml. Thanks to Ulli(ukuchel) for testing. The Build resolves this.

Ongoing development status

At the moment I am busy with a ISP driver for AF. The dongle is connected to a self made PCB holding the DIP-28 µC for accessing its SPI ports and power supply. Two communication variants are in progres for the time beeing, a serial(RS232) and a parallel(LPT) one. Both of them are simplistic low-cost passive dongles for bit nibbling the information to the controller, they do not facilitate a µC themselves.

The serial version is based on this serial dongle, that is built up on a standard ISO PCB from only a few pices.

Serial ISP adapter

I decided to use this design because it is very easy to build from the scratch for even a novice. On the other hand this dongle needs a good old “real” COM port, not a USB2COM adapter end of a RS232.

The parallel version can be ordered at from and is called BlueMP3/ISP and was meant for a CT project.

BLUE/MP3 Adapter

Please feel free to react on my poll in the Roboternetz Forum about which active dongle or PCB you are using at the moment, where active means “with µC”.